With President Obama traveling the world, breaking down barriers and showing that no, not all presidents are blithering idiots, my hope is that the world now sees Americans in a better light. Or at least sees that we are not all the same. Most of us are not gun toting, hate mongering idiots. Not all of us our loud, brash and feel that you have to listen to our opinions just because we have some. We are not all inbreeders, sex offenders, listen to bad rap or any type of rap for that matter. Not all of us wear pounds of gold, track suits and sneakers. Not all of us hate others who are different than us, whatever those differences may be.
I'm a member of a forum, well several actually, that have members from all parts of the planet. For the most part I enjoy them a great deal. There is one person on one forum who makes me angry though because all he seems to do is high jack threads (and finds it oh so amusing) and U. S. bash. He's angered some of us U.S. citizens with the stuff that he posts. What bothers me is that even after we try and correct some of the things that he says, he continues to do it. Which now leads me to believe that probably most people from Australia are complete jerks and need to pull their heads out of their arse. A good will ambassador he 's not. If I was to base my opinions with regards to the Australian people from this guy; I'd have to say I would never want to visit your country. Based on the fact that I'm an American, I'd be afraid I might be fed to a crocodile. Or be hacked up with a knife. Or hit me in the head with a thrown can of lager. and I could be a jerk and say, well what do you expect from a country populated by the shipped out prisoners of England. You have to be an asshole if your own country ships you out because you're not wanted. (I'm making a point-I don't necessarily believe this.)
Yes, we have some rude Americans who should never be allowed to leave our country for international destinations. Unless deeply drugged and strapped up like Hanibal Lechter, only with a gag ball instead of a face mask. Yes, unfortunately our last president was a nonsensical idiot that apparently dropped some good shit in the 80's and saw mass weapons of destruction where there were none. (Ghost weapons apparently). Yes, some of us do like to tote guns, but do so responsibly. It is possible you know.
I cannot speak for my fellow Americans, but I can speak for myself. If you come across one of us, give us the benefit of the doubt with regards to whatever perceived stereotypes you may have of us. Who knows, perhaps you'll make a new friend, learn from /teach something to them. Stereotypes and profiling as a whole suck. But it can be stopped with a bit of effort on everyones part.
Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold

I always read Alice Sebold's books with a bit of trepidation. She is, after all, the author who wrote a story of a 14 year-old rape/murder victim where the victim narrates the story. This story proves to be just as unsettling and shocking.
Helen, a body model at the local college, takes care of her mother. Something she has done for the majority of her life. Her mother has struggled with depression and agoraphobia most of Helen's life. The story unfolds with Helen having stopped by to check on her mother, as she does everyday. During the course of their conversation, her mother soils herself. And something within Helen snaps. Before she knows it, she has smothered and broken her mother's nose. Unsettling, jarring, thought provoking. The story, told over 24 hours, weaves back and forth between time, where come to understand how Helen might do what she did. But does it make it right?
In this century many adult children are taking care of their parents on a day to day basis. What toll does this take on the child? Taking care of the person who once took care of you, who has become dependent on you for every little thing; what type of pressure does that put one under? Add to the mix, past resentments, both real and imagined and what could happen when said child reaches their breaking point?
While Ms. Sebold may make us uncomfortable with the topics she writes about; she always makes us think and confront something within ourselves we'd rather not. I gave the book 3 out of 4 stars. I can't say I love it because it did make me that uncomfortable. But I do give it 3 because she writes a hell of a story.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Queen Betsy series by MaryJanice Davidson
Who says all vampires have to be dark & brooding? Elizabeth Taylor (Queen Betsy- Queen of the Vampires) is anything but dark or brooding. She come off a bit superficial and vacuous. However, she's not vacuous, she can just do things that the other vampires cannot. Like wear a cross, say God and Jesus, pray, drink blood once a week and sneeze when someone throws holy water at her. She is however, a bit superficial (aren't they all) and is a complete shoe whore. (Love that!!)
If you are looking for fast, easy and entertaining- these are your books. Did I mention that her half sister is the daughter of the devil? No? Well, read the books and find out how that happened. And I think her new baby brother, also a half, is going to have something a bit hinky about him.
If you are looking for fast, easy and entertaining- these are your books. Did I mention that her half sister is the daughter of the devil? No? Well, read the books and find out how that happened. And I think her new baby brother, also a half, is going to have something a bit hinky about him.
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